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Thursday, September 18, 2008

4th day post-op

nurse helping keep artery from bleeding

and he handled it very well, but morphine MAY
have had something to do with it lol

first time to hold since his surgery

little man looking more like himself :)

He did well today. They are still trying to work out his high blood pressure issues. The docs said 'its as if his heart has been running a marathon everyday since he was born- and now it can relax and doesn't quite know what to do yet'. so tomorrow we should be moving in with him and leaving within a week we hope. Murvin starts back to work Monday.
I would ask that you keep a few families in your prayers that we have gotten to know in the ICU- one family whose son today was having a heart transplant at 13 months old; another family who just lost their 1 month old baby; and a premie twin who also has heart complications. Just today they admitted 3 babies into the ICU for heart surguries or recovery and I just couldn't help but remember how small and fragile Parrish was during his first surgery.

What can be difficult about having a child with special needs is that you tend to think your child's condition or situation is the worst or your life complications are more complicated than other people that you meet. But what binds us all together in this strange world of 'heart babies' is that we all feel blessed and we all have had our moments of doubt, despair, insecurities and setbacks But we have not lost HOPE. I admit, many times I have not had much faith or hope when it came to what could happen to my son. When you hear things like 'statistics for survival' and 'about 65% make to age 5' or 'your child could fly thru theses surgeries and then have a heart attack at 2 or 12 years old- you think all is lost. And if I let myself stay in that mindset- what kind of life would that be for Parrish? As scared and petrified and afraid I may feel- I remind myself that for right now, at that moment- he is THERE. I had always HOPED to have a beautiful child and I did, and ever since we found out what was wrong with his heart every single thing that we have needed has fallen into place. I can't say that everyday I don't at least one second think 'oh lord, what if today is the day that something may happen' or 'will he grow up old enough to go to high school or ever get married, etc'. But all I have to go on, literally and honestly, is this gift of HOPE. Hope allows for those doubts but also for the enjoyment of not having to be upset until you have something to be upset about. I don't mean to burden all of you with these ramblings- but as one person reminded me of a quote 'laugh and the world laughs with you... cry- and you cry alone'. I really hope that I never need to accept that as truth. Thanks everyone for the support and I hope better news again tomorrow.

Dont forget- even though you can't post comments on this site- you can always email me at my personal address at:

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100 Wishes for Parrish

  • 1.a handsome look- madeline
  • 2.adventure- nathan
  • 3.all the love in the world- uncle matthew
  • of health- uncle matthew
  • 5.bravery- mommy
  • 6.charming personality- madeline
  • 7.common sense-jane
  • 8.compassion-jane
  • 9.courage- daddy
  • 10.curiosity-daniel
  • 11. generosity- mommy
  • 12. gentleness- mommy
  • 13. health- mommy
  • 14. humbleness- mommy
  • 15. humor-nathan
  • 16. inner strength- mommy
  • 17. integrity-matt
  • 18. intelligence- daniel
  • 19. long, happy & fulfilling life- uncle matthew
  • 20. many caring people in your life that you can call family & friends- the cowleys
  • 21. no regrets- uncle matthew
  • 22. strength-matt
  • 23. true love- mommy
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